Swim England Safeguarding in Aquatics

This course will raise your awareness of signs of abuse, and give you the tools and confidence you need to deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively should the need ever arise.

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This course will provide you with an understanding of your role, duty and responsibility in relation to safeguarding everyone within your organisation. It will raise your awareness of signs of abuse, and give you the tools and confidence you need to deal with any issues sensitively, appropriately and effectively should the need ever arise.

Duration: 3 hours
Training Format: Interactive zoom webinar

Who is the course designed for?

Anyone working with young or vulnerable people both in a swimming teaching and coaching environment.

The Swim England Safeguarding in Aquatics Training was developed and written for Swim England affiliated Clubs, Swim Schools and Organisation Members who hold a role which requires a DBS check.

Course content

Swim England’s Safeguarding course is bespoke and reflects the needs of a pool environment. The course will help you to understand:

  • Explain what safeguarding, child protection and harm means
  • Identify key legislation and guidance in relation to safeguarding
  • Explain the importance of Swim England’s Wavepower policy and procedures
  • Explain what best practice means
  • Explain what adult safeguarding means
  • State the importance of professional boundaries and position of trust
  • Identify the types, signs and symptoms of abuse and harm
  • Recognise, react, respond and report concerns


You must be at least 16 years of age at the start of the course.

CIMSPA Endorsed

Once you have completed this qualification, you will gain 3 Continuing Professional Development points. You can upload your CPD to your CIMSPA profile via this link cimspa.co.uk/user-login