Becoming an Educator
1 July 2019Are you an experienced, knowledgeable swimming teacher or coach?
Would you like to pass on your passion and knowledge to the next generation of teachers and coaches?
Swim England is looking for innovative and dynamic educators and tutors to help shape the future of swimming.
From assessors to presenters, we have a number of different roles, which are described below:
Tutor / Assessor
A Swim England tutor/assessor needs to deliver innovative and engaging learning so that learners are motivated to learn, enjoy the learning experience and ultimately develop the required level of knowledge, skills and understanding to successfully complete any assessment requirements.
The tutor/assessor is also responsible for judging learner evidence against specified criteria and making accurate assessment decisions.
They need to ensure that all learners have the best possible opportunity to reach required standards so they can achieve the desired Swim England qualification or education programme being completed.
A Swim England tutor needs to deliver innovative and engaging learning so learners are motivated to learn, enjoy the learning experience and ultimately develop the required level of knowledge, skills and understanding to successfully complete any assessment requirements associated with Swim England qualifications or education programme being completed.
A Swim England assessor collates and judges learner evidence against set criteria via a range of methods such as observations, written tasks or other suitable mechanisms.
An assessor will provide support, guidance and feedback against specified criteria so each learner has the best opportunity to reach the required standards; so they can achieve the desired Swim England qualification or education programme being completed.
A Swim England presenter delivers engaging, relevant and thought-provoking training opportunities to teachers or coaches through workshops, seminars or bespoke training events.
Tutor Training Programme
To become a Swim England educator, you will need go through our Tutor Training Programme.
This programme provides extensive training, development and support to help you become a tutor, assessor or presenter.
Before you apply, you need to be confident you are able to commit the time to attend and complete all elements of the programme. This could take up to 12 months to complete.
To find out more about the Tutor Training programme, click or tap the button below.