Swimming pools, and the incredible value they have for society, are under threat. That’s why we’re saying
'Don’t Put a Cap on Swimming'.
Exciting new research from Swim England has revealed the incredible value of swimming to our nation.
But as pools close, and more forecasted to over the next decade, we need to take action now to make a difference.
Join our campaign and help us to say 'Don’t Put a Cap on Swimming'.

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To maximise the value of swimming and deliver a network of sustainable pools and blue spaces, the following is required:
Investing into pools
The country’s pools are getting older and many are reaching, or past their lifespan. Over 1,500 pools currently in use are over 40 years of age.
Long-term capital investment is needed from the Government, in the renewal of our public pools and leisure centre infrastructure, to provide a network of modern, inclusive and environmentally sustainable facilities for local communities.
More than just investment, what is also needed is a shared vision for the future of our pools across central government departments, local government and the swimming sector, which recognises the value and contribution of swimming to the health, wellbeing and success of local communities.
Improved outdoor access
Maximising the value of swimming requires looking beyond just our indoor pools. Greater access is needed to outdoor blue spaces such as rivers and lakes. Less than 4% of rivers in England and Wales have a clear right of access, posing a barrier to participation for many.
We need clarity of rights and fair, shared access to our blue spaces to help more people be more active, as well as the designation of 200 more bathing waters by 2030.
Quicker action is also needed to improve the health of our nation’s waters.
Greater Integration
Greater integration between the health and leisure sectors, particularly through the work of Integrated Care Systems.
This should include alignment of strategic priorities across local health, leisure and local authority partners, the co-location of services and increased social prescribing of aquatic activities.