5 tips for club development
22 March 2017If you have ambitions to be the swimming powerhouse of your region, then you need to think carefully about club development.
It’s important to consider the development of your club. Even if you are not looking to grow, you should be aware of the latest trends in sports club management so you can stay relevant.
To help with general club development we have produced our five top tips for developing your club. Start your journey to greatness here.
Five tips for club development
- Aim for SwimMark accreditation. SwimMark accreditation is Swim England’s recognised kitemark for the development of effective, ethical and sustainable affiliated clubs. It is available to all clubs, across any aquatic sport, regardless of their size. Discover the club benefits here.
- Secure funding and raise your own funds. Funding is crucial for club development. Sport England and the County Sports Partnership network are two key partners. You should also be thinking about how your club can raise money itself. Try the easyfundraising service as an option. Once registered, any club can raise money.
- Make the most of your club volunteers. It’s no secret that volunteers are the lifeblood of clubs in England, but are they helping with club development? Discover volunteer roles that can help with club development in our Guides to Club Roles here.
- Receive national support. Club Matters is Sport England’s one stop shop for sports clubs. It provides free, convenient, practical resources to help you develop and run a sustainable club. We encourage all clubs to engage with the Club Matters programme.
- Talk to us. We are here to help you. We have club development officers across every region of England ready to answer any question and help your club reach its goals.