VAT and Tax Guidance For Clubs
15 March 2017Swim England has created a range of useful documents to help clubs deal with issues of VAT and taxation. On this page you can find all our tax guidance and advice for clubs.
Hiring pools VAT guidance
VAT charged on the hire of swimming pools is often a significant cost for many swimming clubs.
- Download Swim England’s VAT on Pool Hire: Advice to Clubs document to find out ways of managing and controlling VAT when hiring pools.
External organisations offering clubs training
If you attend a workshop run by an organisation independent of Swim England, note that these workshops are generic. They cover all types of sports clubs. Also, many have a different constitution process to Swim England affiliated clubs. So, the advice given may not be relevant to all clubs.
- Download Swim England’s Advice on external organisations offering training document to ensure you understand the risks.
Tax treatment of income from Open Meets
The taxation of income from Open Meets will vary between different swimming clubs. It depends on its tax status and individual circumstances. Whether the club is running the event as a commercial venture may also factor in.
- Download Swim England’s taxation guidance for open meets document to learn more about dealing with tax on open meets.
If you need further tax guidance for your club on any of the subjects above, please contact the Swim England Clubs team.