Aquatics Coach Mentoring Programme 2024 - 2025
19 June 2024Swim England’s Aquatics Coach Mentoring programme for 2024-2025 provides an opportunity for coaches across all areas of the sport to work with an experienced coach mentor.
The purpose of the Aquatics Coach Mentoring programme is to support and challenge aspiring coaches to learn, develop and grow in their role. Through this programme we hope to continue to raise the quality of coaching across the aquatic sports.
We know that mentoring is a proven, effective and impactful way to support and develop coaches. Therefore, the Aquatics Coach mentoring programme is an important and fundamental part of the Swim England coach learning and development offer
“Behind every successful person, there is one elementary truth: somewhere, somehow, someone cared about their growth and development, this person was their mentor”.
Craig McCulloch – Head of Coaching
We are delighted to offer this new and revamped mentoring programme for 2024. The focus of this programme represents a revised more holistic Swim England coaching team.
We have reflected on the past and current programmes and we think all athletes deserve great coaching and all coaches deserve great support. Therefore, the aquatics coach mentoring programme will offer a broader level of support to more coaches, across more areas of the sport.
Jo John – Coach Development Manager
We have improved this iteration of the mentoring programme to be even more impactful by utilising and enhancing more aspects of mentoring than before.
We recognise the power and benefit of mentoring and would welcome coaches from all areas of the sport to apply.
The programme details
The Aquatics Coach mentoring programme is a one year programme with the potential to extend to become a two year programme.
There are 4 aspects to the programme.

Below is a guideline for what you can expect of the programme. Dates and times will be arranged with your mentor.
- 1 October 2024 – Programme Induction
- April 2025 – Check-in and reflections
- August 2025 – Review and Reflections
- 4 x individual mentoring sessions
- 2 x group sense making session
- 1 x observation of your own coaching
- 1 x shadowing or co-coaching session with your mentor
- Child or youth development coach, age group coach, or performance development coach.
- Coaches with a desire to improve and learn, who are proactive and open-minded; demonstrating curiosity and a willingness to engage with coaching peers and make an active contribution to group discussions.
- Be able to commit to all aspects of the mentoring programme over the 12-month period.
- Qualified as a Swim England Coach (Level 2) or equivalent as a minimum.
- Coaches operating in a SwimMark accredited club for Swimming, Para-Swimming, Diving, Water Polo and Artistic Swimming.
- Places vary from region to region and sport to sport, depending on mentoring capacity and retaining existing mentees on the programme from the 2023-24 season.
- Applications will be reviewed against the above criteria, together with insight gathered by the Swim England Team.
- This programme is charged at £100 per mentee discounts are available for coaches who join the Swim England Coach membership.
- Swim England are fully committed to providing an inclusive Coach Development offer. Whilst we have set a cost of £100 for this programme, we ask that you contact us directly, in confidence, if this fee is presenting a barrier to your application.
- Coaches will be responsible for paying their own travel/subsidence costs as a result of the visits/monthly meetings.
Apply now
Applications are now open and close at midnight on Monday 26th August 2024.
If you would like and informal chat about this programme or any other coach development opportunities please contact the Swim England Coach Development Manager, Jo John at [email protected]