Ramadan activities and guidance
6 March 2023 Teaching SwimmingDuring Ramadan, you may find that some learners will not be able to participate in their swimming lessons during this period.
Why not give them some activities to try that are related to the skills you will cover in your upcoming lessons? We have provided some dry-side activities to get you started.
📥 View and download the activities and information cards.
These activities focus on some of the Core Aquatic Skills that are vital in a swimmer’s journey through the Learn to Swim Programme.
Swimming teachers should describe the action(s) to the learner(s) in the lesson prior to their absence.
The action(s) the learner(s) is requested to practice at home should be aligned with the skills the swimming teacher will cover in the lessons they will be absent for, relating back to your scheme of work.
Learners must practise all the exercises/movements on a floor with clear space around them to avoid any risk of injury.
Please remain cautious if exercising whilst fasting, regardless of the intensity involved. Should you have any queries or concerns, please speak to a medical professional.
📥 View and download the activities and information cards.