Pool Plant Tutor Training
3 May 2021The Institute of Swimming are a Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group (PWTAG) approved training provider delivering Pool Plant courses awarded by RLSS UK. This means that the Pool Plant Operator course is of the highest standard, meeting PWTAG guidelines which are widely viewed as best practice.
As a Pool Plant tutor you will be ensuring the safety and wellbeing of pool users by delivering the most up to date, industry leading, pool plant courses.
We are not currently looking for Pool Plant Tutors.
Please check back later in the year or click here to register your interest in the programme..
Tutor Training Programme Pool Plant FAQs
Click or tap on the questions below to find out more.
The Tutor Training Programme responds to the need of the Institute of Swimming and its partners. Where there are geographical gaps in coverage, need is identified and tutors can be sought to work in these areas.
Due to there being more teaching swimming courses compared to pool plant courses, there will typically be 1-2 Pool Plant tutor training programmes every two years.
The Tutor Training Programme will give you the foundation skills to run a pool plant course from start to finish, including planning and preparing for a course, delivering effective sessions and assessing to meet the certificate’s requirements.
Because the Tutor Training Programme is run to meet the need of the approved training centre, it’s important to only apply if you have time to deliver courses once you are trained.
- Gaining experience in delivering any kind of training will develop your presentation skills and confidence.
- Staying up to date with pool plant good practice via regular CPD and access to PWTAG updates.
Qualifications and training: we require all trainees to hold a delivery qualification such as PGCE, PTLLS, Level 3 Education and Training etc.
Unfortunately there is no guarantee that having this qualification at application stage will move you to the interview stage.
On average, the tutor training journey takes between 6-12 months to be signed off to deliver solo.
Each programme can be adapted to suit the trainee in terms of time it takes to qualify. For example, some trainees will choose to observe more courses than others, some trainees will want longer to plan for their attachment, some trainees will have to wait longer for an attachment option that suits their needs.
However, due to the regular review of certificates, and to ensure training stays fresh, trainees will need to complete their programme in a 2 year period.
The process involves the following stages:
- Application
- Interview
- Induction
- Face to face or online training days (with associated tasks)
- Research tasks (currently observation of 25% of a course and interview with an experienced tutor)
- Attachment: A practical placement where the trainee is on course 100% of the time with experienced tutor, delivers 50% of the timetable and assesses 50% of the learners. The trainee will be guided and mentored by the experienced tutor (Advanced Practitioner).
Currently the programme costs £300. This cost can vary from programme to programme due to the nature and number of days of training.
The tutor training programme is ever evolving due to regular feedback we glean from the Institute of Swimming and its partners. We try to meet the needs of all stakeholders whilst maintaining Swim England’s high quality of training.
Different delivery models and level of certificates have different payments so it’s worth checking with the Institute of Swimming what their up to date tutor fees are if this is a significant factor for you.
Once you have completed your attachment, all of your research tasks have been handed in and the training payment has been made, you will be signed off to run your own solo first course. A member of Educator Training will support you in your preparations.
The Educator Training Department also offers regular training both online and face to face to keep you up to date and ensure you get regular professional development.
Which programme are you interested in?