Returning to Competition FAQs
26 July 2021Further to the publication of Competition guidance documents, a set of Frequently Asked Questions has been developed to provide event organisers with further support in delivering competitions and competitive training.
Click or tap the panels below to reveal the answer to each question.
We will continue to update the below on an ongoing basis where necessary.
If you have a question that is not answered below please do email [email protected] if your query relates to club competition activity.
Returning to Competition FAQs
Swim England has published a guidance document for running swimming competitions which outlines to event organisers the considerations and details further support to enable effective planning and safe delivery of face-to-face swimming meets. The guidance document is subject to current Government guidance and may require further updates.
*The following webinar and the accompanying pdf presentation slides may also be of use to event organisers. Please note, however: the webinar was recorded under Stage 3 government guidance, but contains useful considerations points and mitigating actions which may be necessary to implement in line with the venue operator risk assessment and agreement:
*Event organisers webinar presentation slides - pdf (Recorded under Stage 3 guidance)
*Return to Competition webinar - video (Recorded under Stage 3 guidance)
Event organisers should continue closely liaising with their respective venue operators, who may have own rules on venue capacities and procedures, and continue checking Government guidelines.
Subject to complying with the current guidance and agreement by the venue operator, all Level meets can take place and licensing application process is open.
Licence Application Form and other supporting documents can be found on Licensed Meets.
There is no requirement for event organisers to submit their meet risk assessments to Regional Licensing Officers but they will be required to confirm on the Licensing application form that a risk assessment has been agreed with the venue operator as part of the venue hire agreement.
No. Level X Racing is designed as a club training activity and is run under Level X Racing conditions, with specific officiating requirements and is for Swim England Cateogry 2 members. Level 4 single club meet is a competition run under Level 4 licensing, specific conditions and with different officiating requirements, where Swim England Category 1 and 2 members are eligible to take part.
A Competition Health Declaration Form is for an individual to declare their health ahead of competition and acknowledge awareness of risks involved in taking part. A copy of the form should be sent to all participants for them to comply with before they attend the event. This should be returned to the meet organiser, via the promoting club, no more than 1 week before the competition start date.
Group form submissions from a club may be permissible but should be balanced against the organisers assessment of risk.
For Level 4 single club meets, there is no requirement for the form to be completed by participants as clubs should already be in receipt of Covid-19 and Risk Awareness Declarations from their participating club members for training purposes.
Referee is responsible for ensuring that racing is conducted safely and any issues should be reported to the event organiser. The event organiser has the overall responsibility for ensuring the meet is running as per the risk assessment, and in line with the Government guidelines.
Yes. Level 4 single club meets can be run on manual timing but considerations should be given and detailed via risk assessment on minimising the risk of transmission.
Whilst the government requirements for social distancing have been removed, Swim England encourages all competition organisers to remain responsible given the ongoing prevalence of Covid.
You don’t need to wear a face covering while exercising, but you may choose to wear a face covering at all other times when at an indoor sports facility.
Officials, volunteers, coaches and medics are also not required to wear face coverings while present in a work or volunteering capacity but may choose to do so.
It is for the event organisers to determine the risk assessment in partnership with the pool operator and what staff will be available for the competition to use.
As per the event plan and risk assessment in line with the pool operator restrictions, numbers during warm-up/swim-down may be restricted and consideration may be given to having single age or single sex sessions.
Event organisers should define in meet conditions what the process for entry fee refunds will be in the case of an athlete having to withdraw due to testing positive for COVID-19.
The facility operator guidelines on spectators being allowed to attend indoor events and limits on capacities must be followed. Event organisers are required to liaise with the venue operator and agree a robust risk assessment plan. As an alternative to spectator attendance, event organisers may consider live streaming their meets.
All equipment should be sanitised before use including starting blocks and backstroke start devices and again during dormant periods. Sanitisation products or chlorinated pool water can be used to sanitise the poolside equipment.