Swim England/Institute of Swimming Coronavirus (Covid-19) FAQs
28 January 2022Following the Government’s announcement on 12 July 2021 many of the remaining restrictions have been removed. The latest government guidance can be found here and should be adhered to. We have set out answers to some commonly asked questions below. If you have any other questions email either [email protected] or [email protected].
You can also find more information from Sport England here.
We are fortunate that swimming pools are controlled chlorinated environments with good ventilation which all reduces the risk of transmission in the pool environment.
However, it is important all pool users remain careful and continue to respect other peoples space and follow any procedures in place at their local venue. We have produced Step 4 advice for operators, swim schools, clubs and pool users here.
Organisations should be mindful of the fact that some of their members/customers may be less comfortable about returning for a range of reasons and therefore may wish to implement procedures to make these members/customers feel more comfortable.
Coronavirus FAQs
Click or tap one of the topics below to head straight to those FAQs. Then click or tap the panels to reveal the answer to each question.
Whilst the Government has removed the legal requirement to wear facemasks from January 2022, the government "suggests you continue to wear one in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet." Swim England echoes this suggestion and people should follow any procedures put in place at their venue.
Whilst the Government has removed the requirement to maintain 1 metre + distance from people you do not live with, we would encourage all pool users to continue to be careful and to respect other peoples space.
The Government has removed the capacity limits, therefore you can return to your pre Covid capacity levels, subject to agreement with your local venue and having carried out an appropriate risk assessment of your specific circumstances.
Yes, but event organisers should continue closely liaising with their respective venue operators, who may have their own rules on venue capacities, and continue checking Government guidelines.
We have produced some advice around swimming competitions here.
You should continue to follow the latest NHS guidance on when to self isolate and the duration of that self isolation. NHS guidance can be found here.
Yes. Swim teachers can do so now without the requirement of maintaining social distance from participants. It is for the instructor/teacher and venue to determine what they deem the most appropriate location to teach from based on their specific circumstances.