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SEQ Level 1 Swimming Assistant (Teaching) – Online with practical TBC, StreamlinEd

This course develops your knowledge, skills and abilities as an assistant swimming teacher. It will enable you to actively support a qualified swimming teacher in the delivery of a planned learn to swim session.

Who is the course designed for?
Anyone interested in starting a career in teaching swimming or wants to assist a swimming teacher. You don’t need to have any prior experience of teaching swimming.

Course content
The course is delivered through a mixture of classroom activities and practical poolside learning. You will participate in at least two 30-minute swimming lessons to gain hands on practical experience.
You will learn about:

  • The legal aspects of assisting in swimming lessons
  • The responsibilities of a Swimming Assistant
  • The swimming pathway, fundamental movement, core aquatic skills and component parts of strokes
  • Scientific principles of swimming
  • What makes up a lesson plan, equipment and communications skills
  • How to identify anxiety and use of motivational techniques
  • The type of assistance you can provide

Download the full SEQ Level 1 Swimming Assistant specification.

How to Enrol:
Please book on line. You will then be called to go through a series of questions to ensure that the learning programme is appropriate for you. The booking will then be confirmed and payment taken.
  • Learners must be 16 years of age or older on the first day of the course



Frances Gibbs

07720 763679
[email protected]


Virtual Academy -Practical TBC