Nominations needed for 2016 Cherriman Award
January 18, 2017 Masters NewsNominations are closing soon for the 2016 Cherriman award and we’d really like to see as many people being nominated as possible.
The nominations will be evaluated by a group of well-established Masters swimmers who love to read all the positive stories you send in.
Make sure nominations are in by Midnight on 31 January 2017. Nominations will open for the 2017 Cherriman Award on 1 February 2017.
- Click here to submit your nomination.
Who should I nominate?
Do you know someone who has done something good for Masters?
Helped a Masters club or squad grow, improved the training opportunities for Masters swimmers, or maybe they are the one who makes sure you’re all where you’re supposed to be on time?
We all know those people who organise the relay teams, run round making sure we’re at the starting blocks, and have a mild panic attack when someone isn’t in their lane when they should be or maybe has all the answers to the questions we can’t be bothered to look up ourselves!
Wouldn’t it be lovely to acknowledge their hard work and dedication? Why not complete the nomination form and send it in to us?
You can send in as many nominations as you like if you can’t decide which person is the most deserving.