Helping athletes, parents and coaches cope post-lockdown
July 21, 2020Swim England sports psychologists Hannah Stoyel and Helen Davis on how to cope in a post-lockdown world.
As lockdown measures continue to ease, indoor and outdoor swimming pools were given dates to begin reopening.
However, not all pools will be able to do so, whether this be due to financial reasons or otherwise.
“We all weathered the same storm, but in different boats.”
Now our different boats are sailing onwards but for the aquatics community, we might be taking different courses of direction.
As pools reopen, the following information is intended to support the Swim England community to:
- Recognise psychological challenges that might arise
- Explore wider conversations and discussions
- Promote purposeful courses of action and self-care.
Supporting resource
Covid-19 has brought and continues to bring ongoing challenges and difficulties for us all.
As the landscape continues to change over the coming days, weeks and months, it will continue to present us all with psychological challenges as we navigate the unchartered territory of living in a pandemic.
After watching the above video, download this ‘Coping post-lockdown’ document.
It includes a table outlining the themes from the most recent Swim England Sports Psychology Support video.
The first column discusses the potential psychological challenges that could arise. The next two columns highlight how the Swim England community can support each other and generate forums for conversation and discussion to help support each other.
Finally, the last column signposts links to further resources for guidance and support.
- All sports psychology support videos provided by Hannah and Helen are accessible via the Swim England YouTube channel – and the continued use of these resources is encouraged during these times.