Olympian Sarah and coach Josh latest appointments to Diving Leadership Group
June 11, 2020Two new appointments have been made to the Swim England Diving Leadership Group.
Olympian Sarah Barrow is the group’s new Technical Officials Lead, while Josh Devine has been announced as the Communications Lead.
The appointments have been welcomed by the group’s chairperson, Lottie Thompson.
She said: “Sarah brings vast technical knowledge and experience, which the group is excited to utilise and share.
“I am looking forward to working with Josh, to help ensure greater communication with the diving community.”
Keeps me in the sport I just love
Since retiring from diving in 2016, Sarah has been through the national judge pathway and currently sits as a FINA and Senior Judge.
Sarah added: “I had been working on the development of technical officials through my role as National Development Officer, in which I covered Becky Walker’s maternity leave.
“I found I had an interest in the upcoming role because development in the area is needed and I like that judging brings a nice social aspect, which keeps me in the sport that I just love.”
Communications lead Josh began diving after winning the Institute of Swimming’s rebranding competition in 2018 – which provided a year’s free training.
He said: “Having taken my diving coach qualifications, I was hooked on the variety and excitement diving has to offer.
“I have always been passionate about sport and the communications role represents an exciting and challenging way to give back.”