Business Solutions
The aquatics experts
With more than 150 years of experience, we work in the heart of the industry. We have a clear ambition to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to learn how to swim, is supported to develop their skills, and safely enjoy the water throughout their lifetime.
Our mission is simple, to empower excellence through collaboration.
Working collaboratively with partners throughout the sector, we offer a supportive approach to business growth and strategic development. Harnessing an insight-led methodology, the business solution aims to incorporate industry-leading insight, experience and best practice knowledge to help operators create sustainable solutions to aquatic business development.
What can we do for you?
Swim England business engagement team can provide full-service support to support partners in maximising their aquatic assets. Swim England will utilise national benchmarking and insight to produce comprehensive and robust strategic analysis aligned to partner goals. Swim England report will provide a foundation for growth to promote long-term sustainability and growth. Full consultancy and reports are presented and more information is available on request.
Consultancy and Reports
Choose from a variety of products and services, from Swim England’s full suite of business solution services, to create a full strategic analysis to complement your long term strategic direction. Swim England will write a full Aquatic Review that can be incorporated directly into an Aquatic Strategy.
The review will not only make recommendations but will present an action plan for growth inclusive of recommended targets.
Find out more information here.
Read an update on Durham County Council’s Full Aquatic Review.
Choose from a variety of products and services, from Swim England’s full suite of business solution services, to create a full strategic analysis to complement your long term strategic direction across all of your aquatic assets. Swim England will write a full Aquatic Review that can be incorporated directly into an Aquatic Strategy.
The review will not only make recommendations but will present an action plan for growth inclusive of recommended targets.
Find out more information here.
Read an update on Durham County Council’s Full Aquatic Review.
Learn to Swim
Utilising Swim England’s aquatic latent demand tool, which analyses local authority available pool space, population data, competitor analysis and Swim England parent research, Swim England will present accurate targets per facility based on our latent demand findings. Presented in a detailed report.
Find out more information here.
A desktop analysis of learn to swim occupancy data with recommendations to help identify business needs.
Find out more information here.
An enhanced review of the Learn to Swim programme following completion of the Learn to Swim Health Check. This will address the recommendations made through the Health Check and can include analysis of awards data, pool configurations, benchmarking against potential overall capacity.
Pool schematics designed by Swim England Technical Aquatic Managers, to enhance learn to swim business opportunities following a Learn to Swim Health Check. This will include training delivered virtually to all staff on configuring the pool, the rationale for change and how to teach in each layout.
Find out more information here.
The Swim England Learn to Swim Team deliver bespoke online workshops on the Learn to Swim Programme. These interactive sessions are designed for Swim England partners delivering any of the four Learn to Swim Frameworks.
A scheme of work is a structured document that swimming teachers can use to ensure their swimming lessons are progressive and assessment standards are met. Find out more here.
Swim England will review your Learn to Swim management system and make recommendations for improvements. On completion of the review, Swim England can make the relevant changes on your learn to swim management system to ensure you are using your system in the most efficient way possible.
Find out more here
Read the Q&A article with Active Nation.
Swim England will set up your Awards and E-mail triggers for Awards Direct service.
Survey of the workforce to understand what qualifications are currently held and areas for development. Analysis of workforce to identify gaps and opportunities.
Identify areas for improvement and aid the creation of training and development plans for swimming teacher workforces. Delivered by Swim England tutors.
Find out more information here.
Read the Q&A article with Parkwood Leisure.
An end to end recruitment and training service that sees the Institute of Swimming recruit, develop and qualify swimming teachers for their partners, absorbing all costs until the teachers are ready for employment.
Health and Wellbeing
Part of the Water Wellbeing Accreditation, providing pool operators with a step-by-step process to be able to identify what and where barriers might exist, so you can evaluate how these can be removed.
Can be completed by an individual at the centre or there is an option of a Swim England member of staff conducting the audit in person.
Three stage programme to support a pool in increasing participation for those with long-term health conditions. Accessible and inclusive, personalised aquatic activity and demonstrating impact. Approved by the Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine.
Find out more information and watch the video here.
Having conducted a piece of behaviour change research, Swim England have developed a framework for growing swimming participation. The framework is based on 3 frontiers, with each frontier representing an opportunity to grow swimming. It is critical to address all 3 areas to bring in new audiences and retain existing ones.
This checklist aims to help understand which elements of the framework for growing swimming are being delivered successfully by a site and where there may be room for improvement.
Desktop analysis of club activity, swimmer pathway and operator-club relationships. Utilising club- operator toolkit to support.
In depth analysis of club activity, swimmer pathway and operator-club relationship, resulting in a report, areas for improvement and tailored aquatic pathway proposal for area.
Analysis to include Club and Pathway Health Check, plus; individual consultation meetings with each club, geographical mapping of club activity and membership, pool time analysis and financial modelling for club long-term sustainability.
We work with you – for you. We want to share the aspirations of your organisation, to grow aquatic provisions, in turn increasing the opportunity for swimming within a locality and strengthening the financial position of the operator.
To find out how we could help, please click on the button below.