The Swim England Strategy has a clear vision of a healthy and successful nation through swimming
Our mission is to make our sports and activities accessible, inclusive and welcoming for everyone. We will champion our sports and work with and empower our partners to tackle inequalities and remove the barriers to participation currently experienced by people and communities.

If you can’t swim, you can’t access aquatics.

It is people that take part in aquatics and enable it to happen.

Nobody can enjoy the benefits of being active in the water without water.
Our approach
We can only achieve the aims set out in Access Aquatics by collaborating with partners from across swimming and beyond. We will forge relationships with new partners and community groups to help increase the impact of our work.
We can have a powerful voice but we recognise our voice is much stronger when we work in alignment with our partners. We will use our position to co-ordinate and magnify the voice of the sector, promoting aquatics and lobbying for change at both the national and local level.
We will take a ‘test and learn’ approach to our work, gathering robust data to help define the problems we are addressing, measure our progress and empower our partners.
We will make choices that enable us to focus on delivering impact. We will challenge ourselves to ensure all our activity is taking us towards delivering Access Aquatics.
What some of our partners say
“Local Government is the largest investor in public leisure facilities up and down the country because councils recognise the important role they play in our communities, helping people to be healthier, happier and socially connected.
“We share the ambitions in Swim England’s Access Aquatics strategy for a network of sustainable facilities that meet the needs of everyone in our communities and we look forward to working with Swim England on this issue.”
Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson - Local Government Association
“It’s great to see that Swim England’s new strategy, Access Aquatics, has making swimming more accessible and inclusive at its very heart.
“At Muslim Sports Foundation, we share the ambition for everyone to be able to enjoy the benefits of the water.
“We look forward to continuing to work with Swim England to remove barriers towards participation for communities we represent to ensure that everyone can access aquatics.”
Sahiba Majeed - Muslim Sports Foundation
“At Newham Swimming Club we’re proud to be one of the most diverse clubs in the country and to represent an incredibly diverse part of London.
“As a club, it’s really good to see welfare and safeguarding at the very heart of Access Aquatics, so that everyone can enjoy positive experiences in the water.
“The focus on increasing diversity within aquatics is most welcome as well, as the water should be for everyone.”
David Tshuma - Newham & University of East London (UEL) Swimming Club
“Everyone Active want everyone to be able to enjoy the water. Over 175,000 people learn to swim each week at our pools and we’re committed to working with Swim England on tackling the existing inequalities so that every child has the opportunity to learn this valuable life skill.”
J Tillman - Everyone Active
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