Periods - FAQs and links to additional resources
September 28, 2022FAQs
- Can I train on my period?
Training can actually help improve some period symptoms. We have put together some guidance for Training and Competition during your period.
- When should I seek medical advice?
The short answer is when something does not feel right. We all get to know our bodies and can judge when something is not quite ‘normal’. We have put together a list of situations of when we think you should seek medical advice and there is also guidance on the NHS website.
- Should I tell my coach?
You may not find this the easiest topic to bring up but by telling your coach they can understand possible changes to your training and performance abilities, moods etc. UK Coaching provides information on how to create a supportive environment to discuss these topics.
- Can I wear Period pants or Swimwear in training and competition?
A specific period swim costume can be worn during training (at any time) or where competitions are held under Swim England Laws and Regulations. This includes all unlicensed and licensed swimming competitions, including Swim England national competitions across both age group and Masters Swimming.
Period pants can be worn underneath a race costume during training (at any time) or in competition at all events held under Swim England Laws and Regulations. This includes all unlicensed and licensed swimming competitions, including Swim England national competitions across both age group and Masters Swimming.
All items worn in competition must be made of textile material as per the current FINA Rules.
This policy does not permit a swimmer to wear two full swimming costumes. For competition a Certificate of Exemption is required to be submitted.
To view the guidance in full, please click here to download it.
- Do you recommend any period apps?
There are a number of period apps available and some top flight sports teams have been very open about using them to shape their training, others are endorsed by elite and former elite athletes. If you are planning to use one of these apps be sure to research how the company uses your data and keeps it secure.
- Where can I get further advice?
There is lots of advice available; some scientific some anecdotal. Be sure of the source of the advice especially if it involves taking supplements etc (discuss any such suggestions with your coach and GP). Talk to your friends to see what works for them but remember everyone is different. Here are a couple of links to sites that may help:
- How should I prepare myself for starting my period?
Talk to your parents about it and put together an emergency pack for if you start your periods when not at home. Keep the pack in your swim bag. Include the following:
– Spare pair of pants
– Tampons or sanitary towels
– 2 Paracetamol for pain relief
- When I am on my period what should I take to training or competition with me?
– Emergency pack (Pants, tampons or sanitary towels, paracetamol for pain relief)
– Pair of shorts
– Dark coloured towel
– Dark coloured costume