Membership and Masters Swimming
In order to get the most benefit from your swimming, and to be able to compete, it is advisable to take out Swim England Membership.
You can get Swim England membership by approaching your local Swimming Club. Go to our find a club section to track one down.
This does not have to be a Masters Specific Club. All swimming clubs ask their members to join Swim England.
Categories of membership
You can become a Club Train member. This gives you very basic benefits and ONLY allows you to compete in low level competitions.
The other choice is to become a Club Compete member. This gives you everything you need to compete and train up to an international standard.
- To learn more about Categories of Membership have a look here.
If you live in Scotland and wish to join please see their website: www.scottishswimming.com
If you live in Wales and wish to join please see their website: www.swimwales.org